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Squarespace SEO: Boost Traffic with the Best SEO Tools and Features

ecommerce education tips & advice Jul 15, 2024
Squarespace SEO

Squarespace is one of the most popular content management systems available. If you’ve built a site using this CMS, it can be an affordable, easy to use platform.

However, as you check your site’s metrics, you’ll likely be curious about ways to boost your site’s traffic and even its conversions. This is where Squarespace SEO comes in.

As a popular website builder, Squarespace offers a range of powerful SEO tools and features that can significantly improve your online store’s search performance.

Whether you’re already using Squarespace or considering it for your eCommerce needs, Kreidman is your guide. We’ll walk you through the platform’s best SEO features and how to use them effectively.

Let’s dive in and discover how you can boost your Squarespace traffic using these expert-recommended tools.

Get on Top of Things With Squarespace’s SEO Checklist

Among the features for Squarespace search engine optimization (SEO) is the SEO checklist, which can help you build a strong foundation for your site’s search performance. Besides giving you a list of what needs tweaking, the checklist guides you through essential optimization steps.

To use the SEO checklist effectively, access it in your Squarespace dashboard and follow each step to optimize your site’s structure, content, and metadata.

Don’t forget to regularly review and update your checklist to maintain optimal SEO health.

Gain Insights With Squarespace’s Google Search Console Integration

With Squarespace, you don’t need to open a Google Search Console account and integrate your site manually.

Squarespace’s direct integration with Google Search Console is a time-saver as it allows you to monitor your site’s search performance easily. You can view keywords that drive traffic to your site, identify search trends and opportunities, and quickly verify your site with Google.

To make the most of this feature, regularly review your Search Console data and adjust your content strategy based on the insights you gain.

Control Your Appearance on Searches With Customizable Squarespace SEO Titles and Descriptions

Are you looking for a way to control how your site appears on searches? Squarespace lets you customize how your pages appear in search results without altering your actual page content.

When crafting your titles and descriptions, use relevant keywords, keep titles under 60 characters and descriptions under 160 characters, and make your content compelling to encourage click-throughs.

Manage Your Visibility: Squarespace SEO’s Page Exclusion Feature

Sometimes, you may want to hide certain pages from search results. Squarespace makes this process simple with its page exclusion feature.

This feature is useful for temporary or promotional pages, private or member-only content, and pages under development.

Just remember to use this feature carefully to avoid accidentally hiding important content from search engines.

After all, you still want the algos to see the good stuff, right?

Boost Your Social Presence With Social Media Image Control

As with any SEO for any CMS, SEO for Squarespace gets better with enough social media exposure — that’s where Squarespace’s social media image control feature comes in.

With it, you can control how your content appears when shared on social media platforms.

When using this feature, choose eye-catching images that represent your content well. You’ll also want to ensure they’re properly sized for each platform, and update your content regularly to keep your social shares fresh.

Make Life Easier for Google’s Bots With Squarespace’s Automatic XML Sitemaps

You can optimize your site until it’s blue in the face, but without Google seeing the pages of your site, you might find yourself with little visibility. Fortunately, among the features for SEO for Squarespace is automatic XML sitemap generation.

Squarespace generates and updates your XML sitemap automatically, helping search engines navigate and index your site more effectively.

To maximize this feature, ensure all important pages are included in your site’s navigation, regularly check your sitemap for any issues, and submit it to Google Search Console.

Improve Your Search Visibility With Squarespace’s Structured Data Markup Feature

At the end of the day, every optimization is about making the best parts of your site accessible to search engine users. Put the finishing touches on your content’s search visibility with Squarespace’s structured data markup feature.

Squarespace automatically applies structured data markup to your content, enhancing how search engines understand and display your site.

This feature can improve visibility for products and events in search results, potentially increase click-through rates through rich snippets, and better organize your site’s content in search engine databases.

Fine-Tune Each Page With Squarespace’s SEO Page Setting Controls

You can get by and ahead of your competitors by optimizing your site as a whole. However, what if you want different settings for different pages? This is where Squarespace’s SEO page setting controls come in.

This feature enables you to manage SEO settings for individual pages and collection items to maximize their search potential.

To leverage this feature to its fullest, customize URL slugs for better keyword inclusion, set unique meta descriptions for each page, and use relevant keywords in page titles to optimize your content.

Cater to Mobile Users With Mobile Optimizations

According to Google, over 57% of all search traffic comes from mobile devices.

What does this mean for you? It means that if you’re looking to maximize traffic, you’ll want to optimize your site for mobile responsiveness. Squarespace allows you to do that and more.

All Squarespace sites are designed to be mobile-friendly, boasting easy mobile navigation and page loading speed.

With Squarespace as your site’s CMS, your site will look and perform well on various mobile devices. Just be sure to check your site’s mobile load times and how each element looks on mobile devices.

The Shortcut to Expert SEO for Squarespace — Contact Us

As you’ve just discovered, Squarespace abounds with numerous SEO features that can take your search visibility up several notches. By leveraging these features carefully, your site can be on the first page of the SERPs where most of your likely customers and users will be.

Now, if you’re thinking to yourself that there are too many moving parts to Squarespace search engine optimization, we’ve got your back.

At Kreidman, we specialize in optimizing eCommerce sites across various platforms, including Squarespace.

Contact us for a free consultation and let’s talk about optimizing your Squarespace site for maximum traffic, visibility, and conversions.

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