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The Future of Ecommerce SEO: Mastering Generative Engine Optimization for Better AI Results

artificial intelligence ecommerce education tips & advice trends Aug 02, 2024
Generative Search Optimization

Move over traditional search. There’s a new kid on the digital marketing block — and it’s none other than the AI-powered search engine.

Unlike today’s search engines that incorporate AI-generated results, AI search engines or generative engines are changing the way users conduct searches. Leveraging user-centric interfaces and neural networks that rival those of even Google, generative engines are the next frontier of the search experience.

What does this mean for you as a marketer or Ecommerce store owner?

To survive and thrive amidst the AI-powered search revolution, your strategy needs to shift from SEO to GEO.

GEO (or generative engine optimization) is the key to future-proofing your marketing.

If you’re looking for a way to be ahead of your competition, this guide is for you.

Learn more about generative engine optimization and how you can optimize your store to appear on both traditional and AI-powered searches.

What Is Generative Engine Optimization (GEO)?

Before we delve into the steps to optimize your ecommerce store for AI engines, let’s talk about what generative engine optimization is.

Generative engine optimization is a way of optimizing stores or sites for AI engines like Perplexity and searchGPT.

Unlike traditional search engine optimization (SEO), GEO relies on more than keywords and backlinking strategies. Within this mode of optimization, content that AI-powered engines can easily recognize is key to appearing on search results.


The fundamental difference between GEO and SEO lies in how these systems interact with content.

While traditional search engines rank pages based on a set of predetermined criteria like relevance and authority, AI engines leverage machine learning models to analyze and predict user behavior.

This means they prioritize content that aligns closely with what users want. The result is a more personalized and engaging experience that users won’t get in a traditional search.

Why Include GEO in Your eCommerce Marketing?

By embracing GEO, you can better position your store in front of audiences who rely on AI-driven platforms for product discovery and decision-making.

Not only does this approach enhance visibility, but it also builds trust and loyalty by providing the precise information potential customers are looking for.

GEO 101: Optimizing Your eCommerce Store for AI Searches

Like SEO, there are many facets to making your store visible to AI searches.

Here’s how you can kickstart your ecommerce GEO for maximum visibility on engines like searchGPT and Perplexity.

1: Plan Your Content Based on User Intent (Not Just Keywords)

Understanding user intent is the first step in the GEO process. Rather than focusing solely on keywords, delve into what your audience genuinely seeks.

Using tools like Google Trends can help you uncover the questions and topics that matter most to your customers. Once you’ve identified these, you’ll be ready to create content that addresses these queries comprehensively.

2. Create Content Using Conversational Language

Once you’ve identified trends in the concerns of your users, you can now create content.

When it comes to creating content, go the conversational route. AI engines excel at understanding natural language and conversational patterns, so using a friendly and engaging tone in your content can be beneficial.

By doing so, you’ll mirror how users naturally converse and enhance the chances of your content being favored by AI engines.

3. Choose Topics That Are Relevant to Your Audience

Like SEO, GEO involves content creation on topics your audience finds relevant. The only slight difference is that you should also address more holistic and actionable topics.

For this reason, develop in-depth guides, articles, and tutorials that thoroughly explore subjects pertinent to your industry. Doing this not only boosts your content’s visibility but also establishes your store as an authoritative source within your field.

4. Add More User-Generated Content

There’s a growing prioritization for user-generated content (UGI) both on traditional search engines and AI-powered ones. For this reason, you can hit two birds with one stone in your marketing by incorporating more user-generated content.

An easy way to add more UGI to your store’s content is to encourage reviews. With enough reviews and testimonials in your online store, it will appear on generative engines like Perplexity and searchGPT.

5. Implement a Schema Markup

Like a traditional search engine, a generative engine will pick up on your site’s data. Hence, make your site easy to recognize by AI-powered engines by implementing a schema markup.

Schema markup provides AI engines with additional context about your content. This helps them understand specific details about your products, reviews, and other relevant information.

By utilizing schema markup, you’ll achieve three things:

  • Enable your content to be displayed in rich snippets
  • Improve visibility
  • Increase click-through rates.

6. Optimize for Voice Searches

Voice searches are a growing trend in both traditional and AI-powered searches, so optimizing for them can go a long way in improving your visibility in generative engines like Perplexity and searchGPT.

You can optimize your content for voice search by incorporating natural language phrases and addressing common voice search questions.

Tailoring your content to answer “how,” “what,” “why,” and “where” questions concisely will cater to the needs of voice search users. As a result, you’ll improve your chances of being featured prominently in voice search results.

Bonus Step: Understand and Leverage Domain Authority

Some generative engines like Perplexity will favor certain industry-specific domains. For instance, in eCommerce, Amazon and Walmart domains will be more visible and higher up Perplexity’s rankings.

To make the most of Perplexity’s preferences, start by analyzing domain overlaps within your niche. Identify which high-value domains Perplexity favors, and ensure your content aligns with these trusted sources to enhance its credibility.

If you can, try to create partnerships with these domains. By collaborating with established entities, you can harness their trust and authority, so you can significantly boost your site’s credibility and visibility in Perplexity’s ecosystem.

Future-Proof With Kreidman

Generative engine optimization is the future of ecommerce and should be a growing part of your overall digital marketing strategy.

By strategizing based on intent rather than keywords and making your site and content more recognizable to AI engines, you’ll optimize your store for maximum visibility and traffic for both traditional and AI-powered engines.

If you need a team who can supercharge your GEO, we’re a consultation call away.

Book a consultation today and let’s talk about future-proofing your ecommerce marketing.

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