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AmeriCommerce SEO Essentials: Drive Traffic and Sales with These Powerful Optimization Features

ecommerce education tips & advice Sep 10, 2024
AmeriCommerce SEO

If you are looking for an ecommerce platform to help grow your online sales, I highly recommend you check out AmerCommerce.  Besides the friendly and cool people that work there, they have built a platform that has helped me and my clients succeed, especially from an SEO perspective. I have been utilizing AmeriCommerce SEO for many years.

Businesses across various industries are capitalizing on its cutting-edge features. Leveraging a platform that has SEO in mind is crucial for success.  Let’s dive deeper into how AmeriCommerce SEO can help your business shine and go over some of the SEO features they offer:

SEO-Friendly URLs & Custom URLs

AmeriCommerce provides automatic URL rewriting, turning long, dynamic URLs into static, keyword-rich addresses that are better recognized by search engines. This means product pages like "/Product.aspx?ProductID=2" are transformed into more SEO-friendly versions like "/product.html". The ability to customize URLs further allows for a more targeted SEO strategy. 
I also really appreciate the ability to import/export both category and product URLs in bulk so you can make many changes at once. 

Are you switching from another platform? AmeriCommerce's custom URL feature allows you to copy old URLs during migration, making it easy to retain your page rankings. The platform also offers an easy to use 301 Permanent Redirects interface, which ensure that any dead URLs point to new pages without affecting SEO rankings. 
I have used other platforms that limited page naming as well as had NO WAY or redirecting old URLs which caused huge problems when migrating a site over.  AmeriCommerce SEO makes it easy.

Google Sitemap

For better visibility on search engines, your site needs to be indexed. AmeriCommerce automates the generation of a Google Sitemap, allowing search engines to quickly find and index your pages.

Design Templates for Fast Loading Pages

Another important factor for AmeriCommerce SEO is your site’s layout and how fast the site loads. If you’re unsure about how to design an SEO-friendly site, AmeriCommerce has you covered with its SEO-friendly templates. These CSS and JavaScript-driven templates are streamlined for SEO and optimized for fast page loads, which can help boost rankings.  They have a pretty extensive theme store. 

They give you many templates to choose from but you can also customize these templates as needed or make your own.  

Blogs and Optimized Content

AmeriCommerce’s built-in blog and content management system is fully optimized for SEO. This feature allows you to create keyword-rich blog posts attract more traffic and help position your business as an expert in your field. By using long-tail keywords — search phrases commonly used by customers — your content can rank higher and drive more targeted traffic.

Keyword Research & Placement

Effective SEO for AmeriCommerce or any eCommerce platform requires strategic keyword research. Focus on high-volume keywords and long-tail phrases that your customers are likely to search for. Incorporate these keywords into your store’s content, starting with your custom URLs.  You can then add content to your categories, product descriptions, and even other custom pages as desired. AmeriCommerce makes it really easy to place content in these various opportunities.

There is also a really handy feature in the reporting section called "Top Searches (on site) which provides a report of the searches people do while on your site.  this is really helpful in finding potential keyword opportunities for SEO.

Optimizing Alt Text for Images

Alt text serves as a description for images, helping search engines understand what the images represent. AmeriCommerce’s built-in SEO tools make it easy to optimize alt text with relevant keywords, ensuring that your product images are also working to boost your site’s rankings.  For product and category images you can also use the bulk import/export tool to do many alt tags at once. 

Social Sharing Integration

Boosting your site’s visibility isn’t just about SEO. AmeriCommerce integrates social sharing tools, allowing customers to promote your products across social platforms. These social signals can also help improve your SEO performance.

Google Shopping

Getting your products into Google's free product search and get some additional traffic.  Doing this is easy with AmeriCommerce's tools.  They provide the ability to automatically send your products to Google.
If you want to kick your product feeds into high gear, you can use DataFeedWatch (acquired by which also owns AmeriCommerce). They offer the ability to customize and integrate with over 2000 different channels from search engines to shopping channels. 

Import/Export in Bulk

As I have mentioned a few times within this article, the ability to bulk import/export is a huge advantage for AmeriCommerce SEO. 
I have worked with many ecommerce platforms over the years and most of them simply do not allow you import/export the amount of fields that AmeriCommerce provides.  Whether it is custom URLs, category and product title tags, meta descriptions, alt text for images, or other fields, AmeriCommerce allows you to make changes in bulk using their import/export tools.  This is a huge time saver when working on ecommerce sites. 


AmeriCommerce allows you to organize your store's categories and products with a structured layout and various grouping options. You can sort your products by attributes, manufacturers, categories, variants, or product groups. A clear and organized site structure helps search engines better understand your store.

Also by automatically creating manufacturer pages, AmeriCommerce adds tremendous value when you sell other manufacturer's products/brands.  Again, a feature that saves you a lot of time.

Need Help With AmeriCommerce Search Engine Optimization?

While AmeriCommerce provides great features for SEO, implementation can certainly be time consuming, especially if you are not an expert.  If you are looking for assistance with your AmeriCommerce SEO, we at Kreidman can help.  Give us a call or contact us for a free consultation.

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